Replacement or renovation of the roof? - BAZA realestate

Replacement or renovation of the roof?

Roof replacement is a thorough procedure that involves removing the old roofing and installing a new one. This is usually required when the roof is very dilapidated, has major damage, or the roofing was installed many years ago and no longer meets modern standards of insulation and protection. By changing the roof, we completely renovate the roof structure and make improvements, such as additional insulation, a new covering that is more energy efficient, even a change in shape.

When the time comes to renovate the roof, the question often arises as to whether it is better to replace the roof or just restore it. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and the decision depends on several factors, such as the condition of the existing roof, type of roofing, cost and long-term needs.

Building permit
Renovation of the roof, in which you do not interfere with the supporting structure, size and shape, and you only change the roof covering, does not require a building permit. You should kowever involve an expert in planning the renovation and inspecting the condition of the roof structure, who will list the necessary renovation work. In the case of interference with the load-bearing structure of the roof and changes in shape (e.g. slope, roof rise, roof shape, new roof, roof balconies, skylights – if their size interferes with the load-bearing elements), check the spatial acts of the municipality (these define what roof slopes are allowed, what types and colors of roofing you can choose, possible roof shapes and whether it is possible to raise the roof to gain space in the attic) and obtain a building permit.
Pay attention to how the eaves are finished (the junction of the pitched roof and the facade) and how the roof finishes are made. If fiber cement boards (asbestos boards) are still installed, they must be replaced.

Water leak
The source of the water leak is usually not in the same place as the stain on the ceiling or slope. In the case of a house with an unfinished attic and ceilings, without a spare roof, look at the roof in the rain, when the places of soaking will be clearly visible. If white spots are visible on the roof, or there are stains on the wood, this may indicate water seeping through the roof or slight sagging at the joints of individual pieces of the roof
Another reason for sagging is a small slope of the roof. Before choosing a covering, it is necessary to check the manufacturer’s technical data, which define the minimum pitch of the roof for each covering.
Deterioration of flat roofs is observed due to defects in tightness. Water stagnates on the roof during rainfall. A possible error in tightness is immediately apparent in the form of sagging in the structure of the building. Compared to what happens on a flat roof, a pitched roof allows for leaks because the water is constantly draining away and the leaks are less intense.

Any roof older than 20 years is almost certainly damaged by insects or fungi (the wood is wormy, it rots). Changes in the wood begin as soon as the wood is cut, as it is affected by the method of cutting, storage, fungi and insects that use the wood for food or shelter for their eggs. Renovation of the roof is generally not carried out due to insect attacks. The attack of wood by fungi that cause rotting is mostly prevented by ensuring the conditions for keeping the wood dry or drying as quickly as possible.

For effective roof insulation, the correct design is crucial, which ensures that there are no thermal bridges in the roof structure – this prevents condensation. Insulation should be installed either below or above the rafters to allow for ventilation. A homogenous insulating layer without interruptions ensures uniform thermal protection across the entire cross-section of the roof. In practice, it often happens that, due to room height restrictions, the insulating layer also includes material between the rafters and an additional layer below them.
It is important that a wooden roof structure such as rafters is properly insulated, as wood transfers heat faster than insulating materials, which can lead to condensation. When insulating the attic or the entire roof system, it is recommended to follow this order: start with the vapor control lining, then the wooden structure and plasterboard. Under these layers, there must be an airtight vapor barrier or barrier, depending on the chosen system, and as homogeneous a thermal insulation as possible. Finally, an airtight, vapor-permeable film must be installed, which allows the passage of moisture, but prevents the ingress of water, thus ensuring long-term protection of the roof and preservation of the internal climate.

Deciding between roof repair and replacement is key to ensuring the safety, comfort and energy efficiency of your home. A thorough analysis of the condition of the existing roof, consideration of materials and implementation details such as insulation, vapor barriers and air layers can greatly influence the final result. Properly selected materials and professionally performed work extend the life of the roof and improve living conditions and reduce energy costs.
With a well-planned project that takes into account your needs and the characteristics of the building, you can achieve a permanent and aesthetically attractive solution that will provide your home with reliable protection against weather influences and create a pleasant and energy-efficient living environment.

For more information or a consultation, please contact us; Phone: 00386-40-626-131, E-mail: